A beautiful smile is a goal of most individuals in modern society. In lay terms a beautiful smile is “nice even white teeth”. Thus tooth discolorations are unesthetic and patients search for corrections with their practitioners. Tooth discolorations can appear for several reasons, from diet, medications, tooth malformations, excessive fluoride, and others. They present themselves as white spots, brown, gray or a combination. To correct these discolorations, we need to be able to diagnose their etiology, make up, location and severity as well as match the treatment modalities available.
This masterclass will provide the practitioner with the tools to diagnose these discolorations and, most important, how to treat each of them. Treatment modalities, which include internal and external bleaching, micro-abrasion, and infiltration, will be shown and explained why, when, and how to use each. Each modality of treatment will be shown with case studies and detailed protocols will be provided.